Helping sensitive women find their inner strength!

Heal your past, build strong self worth, and be brave enough to speak your truth.
Join me on a fabulous journey to self discovery and personal freedom!

Beautiful boundaries

A nice girl’s guide to setting strong boundaries

Get your 13-page guide designed to help you build confidence and say no politely, yet firmly.

Free when you subscribe to my email list as my thank-you gift to you.

Would You Like to Stop Being a Pushover and

Learn to Speak Up for Yourself?

(Nicely of Course!)


I’m Beth,

I come from a long line of niceaholics and want to share what I have learned, as I start to break away from the family tradition of being a good girl who does what she is told. It’s not an easy path to take, but it was no picnic being surrounded by narcissists and toxic people either!

I hope you will join me on the journey from Niceaholic to Braveheart, find your voice again and learn how to speak up for yourself. Life is too short to live in the shadow of other people’s priorities. Time to put yourself first, embrace your kind and sensitive nature, and learn how to be a soft person in a tough world, without being eaten alive!